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Picture of Dr. Courtney LouieDr. Courtney Louie is the daughter of Dr. Kingman Louie and Dr. Roxanne Lee. Dr. Courtney graduated with the Doctorate in Optometry from University of California, Berkeley, School of Optometry in 2019. During her time, she rotated through the Eastmont Wellness Center working with patients who had Glaucoma and Diabetic complications. She also spent some time at the Marin Community Clinic in San Rafael where she worked with children with strabismus (cross eyed) and amblyopia (lazy eye). Dr. Courtney has also spent some time with US Veterans, having rotated through the VA Pacific Islands Health Care System and the VA San Jose Outpatient Clinic. While at Berkeley Optometry, Dr. Courtney trained in myopia control and with specialty contacts (gas permeable hard lenses and orthokeratology).  During her time at Berkeley Optometry, she served as Student President of Berkeley Optometry. Prior to this, she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences with a minor in Chemistry from the California State University, Long Beach.


Dr. Courtney Louie was born and raised in Sacramento. She has worked alongside her parents Dr. Louie and Dr. Lee as a receptionist and an optician before entering Optometry School and completing her doctorate. She is a member of the American Optometric Association, California Optometric Association and Sacramento Valley Optometric Society. She enjoys working with children and is ecstatic to continue the ability to care for the generations of patients that have been with the practice as well as meet new patients. 


When Dr. Courtney Louie is not working in her practice, she enjoys finding local trails to hike on. She enjoys riding the waves, whether it be on a wakeboard or surfboard.